Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery: breast implants with natural results.

Key facts

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the size, fullness, and symmetry of the breasts. It involves the placement of breast implants to enhance the shape and volume of the breasts, helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

How it works: insertion of breast implants

Anaesthesia: general anaesthesia

Recovery time: back to work in 1 week (office job)

Results: immediately

Lasts: 10-15 years

Surgical procedure

General anaesthesia

Day surgery

Mid-term recovery

What is a breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the size, fullness, and symmetry of the breasts. It involves the placement of breast implants to enhance the shape and volume of the breasts, helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

A breast augmentation is an excellent procedure for women who have always had small breasts and wished for larger ones, or women who have lost breast volume after pregnancy.

A woman covering her breasts

Should I undergo a breast augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a good procedure for anyone who wants to enhance the size and shape of their breasts.

During your consultation, Dr. Gino Vissers will assess your breast, and determine whether you are a good candidate for a breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation can treat any of the following issues:

  • Small breast size and shape
  • Low self-esteem and body image
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Loss of breast volume following pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

A woman in a bikini and white shirt is standing on a balcony overlooking the ocean.

What happens during the procedure?

During the procedure, Dr. Gino Vissers will make discreet incisions in the fold underneath the breast, ensuring that the scars will be hidden. Through these incisions, a pocket is made to accommodate the implants. Once the implants are inserted, the incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures and dressings are applied.

Dr. Gino Vissers will carefully assess in which plane your breast implants should be placed to suit your unique lifestyle. This is influenced by several factors from your medical history and clinical examination. There are three possible planes for breast implants:

  • subglandular: beneath the breast gland
  • submuscular: beneath the pectoral muscle
  • dual plane: partially beneath the breast gland and partially beneath the pectoral muscle

When used in the right patient, all of them will give a safe and natural-looking result.

What to expect after a breast augmentation?

Recovery after breast augmentation typically involves some downtime. Patients with an office job will need to take about a week off from work to rest and recover. Expect some swelling and pain for a couple of days after surgery, and you will have prescription pain medication to help you stay comfortable in the early stages of healing. Soreness and swelling may last up to several weeks.

At the end of surgery, you will be placed in a medical bra that we provide. You will need to wear the bra provided for 6 weeks; you can not wear underwire bras during this time. Avoid buying new bras until your swelling has subsided.

Dr. Gino Vissers will provide detailed post-operative instructions to promote optimal healing and ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process.

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  • Will I need someone to take me home after surgery?

    Yes. Dr. Gino Vissers recommends a family member or friend drives a patient home after a breast augmentation, and stay with them for at least 24 hours following surgery.

  • When can I drive again?

    After a breast augmentation it will take 5-7 days to resume driving.

  • When can I exercise again?

    You may resume brisk walking and cycling 48 hours after surgery. Golf and tennis may be resumed 4 weeks after surgery. More intense cardio exercises, weight lifting or CrossFit should be avoided in the first 6 weeks after surgery.

  • Can a breast implant rupture?

    Yes, there is a small risk that a breast implant will rupture. For this reason, Dr. Gino Vissers uses the highest standards of breast implants and provides annual in-clinic reviews to monitor the breast implants.

  • Does a breast implant need to be replaced over time?

    Yes. As the risk of rupture of a breast implant increases after 10-15 years, Dr. Gino Vissers recommends to replace a breast implant every 10 years.

  • Can I breastfeed after a breast augmentation?

    Yes. During the surgery, Dr. Gino Vissers does not alter your own breast gland so the capacity of breastfeeding remains unchanged. However, 1 in 8 women may have difficulties breastfeeding, even without surgery.

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